DIY Google Business Profile Optimization

I help Do-It-Yourself business owners optimize and safeguard their Google Business Profiles.

Sign Up for My Free DIY Newsletter!

Having your Google Business Profile suspended can be devastating to business.

I have critical information I want to share with you about keeping it safe.

Subscribe to my FREE DIY Google Business Profile optimization newsletter and I’ll start off with this important info.

Then every month you’ll get more free tips and breaking news for optimizing and safeguarding your profile while bringing in more customers!

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Join as a Member and Get Even More!

As a member of GBP Academy, you’ll get our monthly newsletter plus exclusive member-only advanced optimization tips, prompts and reminders. It’s my newsletter on steroids!

Academy members are the ultimate GBP Do-It-Yourselfers, building powerful Google Business Profiles that outrank the competition and rake in new customers.

No BS. No wading through hours of videos, forums and articles to get the latest GBP optimization tips. You don’t have the time for that. I’ll tell you exactly what to do and when.

Plus as a member, you get one on one support if you run into a suspension or verification issue! Even if your profile is currently suspended or unverified, I will help you work on getting it back online.

The cost is $50 monthly for a year long subscription, or $500 for a full year paid up front (a $100 savings).

Is your profile worth $50/month?

You know it is.

Become a GBP Academy member today!

It's important to understand that I work for you, not for Google. GBP Academy is not affiliated with Google. I am an independent Google Business Profile consultant. You'll often find me on the Google Business Profile forum where I volunteer and am recognized by Google as a Google Business Profiles Product Expert. Learn more about me here.